Crossing Cultures: The Art of Manga in Hawai‘i features Hawai‘i-based artists and writers who use manga to explore their cross-cultural experiences. Manga is a distinctive form of Japanese comics known for its dynamic graphics and diverse narrative content.  It first appealed to local artists in the 1980s.

Since then, writers and artists have used its engaging and flexible format to represent their unique experiences and the histories and cultures of different communities in Hawai‘i. We start our journey hundreds of years ago in Japan. We then trace manga’s arrival in Hawai‘i on the heels of Japanese popular culture and the enthusiastic reception of superhero television shows. Like their counterparts in Japan, manga artists in Hawai‘i were influenced by American comics. To help you understand this history of cross-cultural influences, we have created a special manga for your viewing and reading pleasure.

Current and Past Exhibitions:

Listen to a message from the curator, Brady Evans.


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